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Stevon Lucero
Artist ARchives
These are the original Stevon Lucero New-Precolumbian oil paintings that are no longer available for sale.
Maiden One Reed | Mayan Lord | Mesa Verde |
Messenger | Mirror | Moon Dancer |
Moonwatcher | Mt. Atzlan | Mystic Aztec |
North American Aztec | Offering | Oracle |
Picean | Progedy | Prophet of Fire and Blood |
Purple Face | Qetzalcoatl | Queen |
Quetzalcoatl Hummer | Quez | Rainbow Eagle |
Rojo | Sacred Tree | SacredTree |
Sacred Tree East | Sacred Tree North | Sacred Tree South |
Sacred Tree West | Sacrificia lChief | Saw Tooth |
Seer | Sentry | Sixth Feather White Beard |
Square Eye | Squatting Eagle | SouthWest Aztec |
Sylvia | Talking Fish | Tekpatl |
Tezcatlipoca | Tezcoatl | Tez |
The Alchemist | Three Bac | Tlalo Lalo |
Tlaloc | Topper | Twisted Aztec |
Two Bird | Tw oFace Moon Dancer | Two Snake |
Voyeger | White Eagle | White Face |
Yellow Beard | Yellow Bird | Yellow Face |
Yellow Chin | Yellow Stripes |
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