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OHM by Stevon Lucero

Moonwalk - A True Strory


7/20/1969 by Stevon Lucero 


On July 21, 1969 a group of friends and I went up to Ninth Street Hill in Laramie to “cavort”.  Cavorting was Chuck's idea which was another word for getting stoned and party.  After we got there we smoked some pot and some of us were tripping on acid.  We put out some speakers and began to party.  As usual I soon tired of cavorting so I walked off a short distance from the gang and sat down to look at Laramie in the distance.  Although I was by myself I was not so far from the group that I couldn't hear what was happening or being said. 

Pretty soon another friend named Kent M. drove up the road to us all excited about an article in the Rocky Mountain News.  The article was about the moon landing and the Armstrong's moonwalk that happened the night before or sometime in the last twenty four hours.  Kent gathered everyone around him to read this article but I stayed where I was at.  I was sitting crossed legged Indian style on the ground about twelve to fifteen feet from the group.  I could hear him though so I didn't feel the need to stand around with the others. 

As I sat there, Kent began to read the article which incidentally was on the front page with a large picture of Armstrong stepping off the landing craft onto the moon.  The story however was not about the landing but about the mystery of the “glitch” where Armstrong appeared to disappear momentarily.  You see on the film taken of the landing, a point where just before Armstrong’s foot touched the ground, he disappeared or app eared to.  Poof!...gone and then reappears a microsecond later.  It was like he disappeared for a wink.  Supposedly there was no possible explanation.  That didn't matter because all they had to do was make one up and the matter was forgotten. 


The writer of this article said his purpose in writing this was to explain this disappearance.  At first I thought the article was fiction until the last few lines freaked me and the others out. 


The story went like this, at least as I remember it.  It said when Armstrong disappeared he went into another dimension.  Yes another dimension. Literally.  Instead of stepping on the moon he stepped out onto a lush green planet full of the sounds of the singing of birds, flying butterflies, insects, etc.  He was in a state of shock and was broadcasting what he was perceiving all around him.  While he stood there not knowing what to do he received an even greater shock...are you ready?   He saw a “tiny purple beautiful woman flying toward him with butterfly wings".  While he stood there in a state of shock and disbelief she told him “telepathically” that she had come to welcome him to her world.  She then took or rather guided him to a golden city that was inhabited with people with large golden eyes and golden skin.  She took him on a tour of this bizarre alien world that he observed in utter silence.  After a while he got his voice and composure back and he proceeded to broadcast all this back to the earth.  When the tour was over she took him back to where she found him.  She then told him that his broadcasting all this back to the earth was futile because nobody would hear it except those who were meant to hear it. 


She said,  "The people of earth will hear only what they expect to hear and see only what they expect to see.  You see the moon as a dead lifeless planet only because your imaginations are dead and lifeless.  All planets have life but one cannot perceive it until it is in union collectively.  Our perceptions are limited by our ability to Love.  Love releases the perception through the imagination.  We set up our perceptions by what Love affirms in life therefore allowing those ideas, feelings and imaginings to be what we perceive individually and collectively.  Hate and various forms of hate or lack of Love denies life therefor sterilizing our perceptions.  So we of earth will only find what we expect to find.  Not what is.” 


She also told him that once he returns to his own/our vision of reality, he too will forget what he has experienced and will only remember what he was expected to experience.  Only the “new” people...the people of the “new world” being born into the world today...the young who are looking for Love in a dying world will hear these things that he broadcasted back.  The last part of the article was the most mind blowing part of an otherwise mind blowing article.  It stated that these “new” people will not be reading the same thing that others will be reading.  Others will be reading about men bouncing about the moon and finding rocks which confirm the conclusions that there is no life on the moon.  The ones that read the truth will be the ones who will change the world.  Thus ended the newspaper article.  It freaked us all out.  Most everybody there thought it was just a flashy fairy tale symbolizing the significance of the moon landing.  I pretty much thought the same thing until all of a sudden I remembered a Joe Pyne Show that I had seen a few months earlier in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 


Before I continue this narrative I have to give a little preference right here.  I graduated from high school in May 1968.  I worked at the Chef restaurant as a fry cook.  I stayed in Laramie until October when I got into a big rile with my mom so I decided to leave home.  I sold a large painting to a waitress (Peggy Jo White) for twenty bucks and bought a train ticket to Cedar Rapids Iowa.  I had a couple of uncles out there and my uncle Lee said he'd put me up until I got my bearings.  When I got there I got a job at Collins Radio where both of my uncles had jobs.  It was a huge place that employed about 15,000 people.  What I thought was cool was that Collins Radio had the Apollo contracts.  We made the radios that were going to the moon.  I even had to pass a security test to get the job.  I worked the second shift from four pm to midnight.  I ended up living with my Uncle Junior and his wife Rose where I paid a reasonable fee for my room and board.  It was quiet and uneventful and a bit boring.  I stayed in Iowa for six months and then went back to Laramie.  I did have a couple interesting experiences which I will write about at another time. 


I had a basic routine which was to get up late, watch TV, go to work, come home and watch Joe Pyne then go to bed.  The Joe Pyne Show was a late night talk show that was very controversial for having every weirdo and freak on.  In those days they were crawling out of the woodwork.  Pyne was an ex-marine with a wooden leg replacing the one he lost in the war.  He took it out on every idiot who was dumb enough to come on his show.  He was brutal and ruthless and the rednecks, right wingers and plain old racists and fascists loved him.  I watched him in horror every night after work.  I still don't know why.  Morbid curiosity I guess.   Anyway one night he had on his show this young couple dressed in simple peasant clothes.  The man had almost shoulder length hair with a gold stud or earring in his left ear.  The woman had long hair and no make-up but was quite pretty in a simple plain way.  Pyne looked at them like a wolf circling a couple of helpless rabbits.  I don't remember if they gave their names but they said they were from the cult of Michael. 


They explained the cult of Michael was a group of people who believed that this Michael was a great cosmic scientist/leader from another dimension who was trying to take us back to where all human souls originally came from.  They said many eons ago there was a cosmic accident and two parallel dimensions crashed or overlapped onto each other.  One of these dimensions was a negative one.  Dead.  Lifeless like all the planets in our solar system except earth.  The reason earth has life is because life was leaked here from the other dimension when the accident happened.  Otherwise the earth would be as dead and lifeless as the rest of the planets.  All of humanity was part of that life.  Once we found ourselves stranded here we began an evolutionary process to unify ourselves to eventually find a way back home.  The metaphor they used for this story was to imagine two trains running parallel to each other and one train was empty and the other was full of passengers.  Then BOOM!  They momentarily crashed into each other and then quickly separated and got back onto their right tracks. However a large number of the passengers from the full train were dumped on the empty train as well as a lot of the freight or rather energy systems.  Since these entrapped souls were immortal they incarnated over and over again trying to evolve humanity toward a single goal of unity.  That unity being Love. 


Throughout history humanity in one form or another has tried over and over again to unify human thought.  Belief.  Movements.  Cultures.  Empires.  Religions.  At the core of all these endeavors is the attempt to manifest some collective form of Love.  We always fall short.  Rather than manifesting Love we usually distort it if not out and out pervert it.  Yet we keep trying.  It's our only hope.  That and Michael. 


Michael is this other dimensional leader who is trying to bring us back to where we all belong by individually (and hopefully) adjusting our spiritual vibratory frequency so we can be transferred back home. That is why there has been these unsolved cases of people disappearing throughout history.  They said Michael's basic plan is to adjust the whole planet's vibratory frequency to one of Love.  To do this he had been sending messengers throughout the ages to teach us (humanity) how to love.  Which as we know didn't quite take due to....hmmm...Ego?  Emotional immaturity?  Stupidity??  Who knows?  We just know it just didn't take and as you know anyone who disagreed with that were just killed.  None the less Michael continues on the greatest monumental quest of all time.  The rule of Love in the mind of every man, woman and child on this lost planet. 


In the interim Michael zaps us out one at a time by his focus on individual frequencies.  They also said various mythologies and especially the Tolkien books reflected the unconscious collective memories of the world we once knew.  Those collective memories were also being released through the drug culture of the young people and new cultural ideas emerging through them.  Although most people are not aware of it, the world we presently live in was created by the ideas planted back then and continue to change the world.  Those ideas are called “progressive”.  Young people all over the world are still trying to raise the true Love flag while the contraries, the fearful and those who hate in the name of love are calling it righteousness. 


After this couple delivered their message and before Joe Pyne could tear into them they got up and walked off the show.  Pyne was furious.  He yelled and screamed.  He called them names but they didn't even turn around.  He still had thirty minutes of air time and he had no guests.  He just ranted for the rest of the time.  The last thing they said before walking off the set was what came back to me so vividly.  They said that they only went on the show because there were certain people who were meant to see and hear their message.  These people had a role in the future of the world.  What did that mean?  For me in that moment I knew they were right.  Not necessarily about Michael but that the message was for specific people.  I thought I might be one of them even though I didn't know why. 


While I sat there remembering this TV show I was totally lost in my mind's eye.  I momentarily spaced out where I was and when I snapped to I was no longer in Laramie.  My friends were gone and the VW van was gone and I was there all alone.  I was naked.  I was still sitting cross legged but not on the dirt.  I was sitting on tissue.  Brain tissue.  I was sitting on a gigantic living pulsing brain.  The surface was semi-transparent and I could see blood veins weaving throughout the tissue surrounding me.  I was totally naked and my butt was attached to the brain as if I was a human shaped wart jutting out of the surface.  I looked down the hill toward town but the streets had become veins and the houses were cells and the cars became corpuscles traveling down the veins.  I looked up and the sky had become a skull cap.  I could see lightning bolts shoot from the skull cap down to the brain.  I thought those were thought impulses coming from the outside body to the nerves in the skull then making a synaptic leap to corresponding nerves in the brain below.  I just sat there in awe at what I was seeing.  It was totally real and I thought I was seeing the true nature of the world.  The universe.  It's mind.  All MIND. 



I don't know how long I sat there but after what seemed to be a long time I saw a lightning bolt come out of the sky toward me.  I watched it until it hit.  No fear.  Just fascination.  When it hit me all I saw was white light.  I had no sense of myself or time or thought of any kind.  Just light.  All of a sudden I thought...what I thought  I don't know.  I just thought and when I did I was back in reality.  Sitting on the ground off by myself while my friends were making happy noises to the right of me.  How long I had sat there I didn't know but it appeared it had been for a while.  My friends hadn't been paying attention and had no idea.  It was long enough for them to forget about the newspaper article.  I didn't tell anyone what I experienced but I never forgot about it.  The painting “Big Bang” and several others are reflections of this vision. 

© 2014 by Stevon Lucero. Please ask permission if you are interested in using any of the images.  Proudly created with

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