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Stevon Lucero
Artist ARchives
These are the original Metarealism oil paintings that Stevon Lucero created during the 2000's which are no longer available.
Anabell | Athena | Blue Moon |
Blue Slot Man | Body Speak | Caravan |
Chromo Man | Chromo Posiden | Cloud Watcher |
Coming Out | Cosmic Egg | Cosmic Seamstress |
Cosmic Trinity | Cross of the Blue Lady | Crusader |
CruxLeonardo | Cyclops Fishneck | Delerium |
Dreamer | Encroachment | Fire Warrior |
Fish Head Soup | Fleeting Thots | Floater |
Florhence | Fool on the Hill | Four Directions |
Frag1 | Frag 2 | Frag 4 |
Framed | Ghost | Golden Warrior |
Helen of Spirit | Iris | Joan of Art |
John Lennon | Ku Ku Kachu the Eggman | Lightbringer |
Lightning Lucy | Lonely Penguin | Metamorphia |
Meditator | Modonna in my Dream | Moondance |
Nest | Possessed | Prior Afterthought |
Procession | Quint Souls | Quixote and Me |
Reign of Fire | Remedious | Scarlet |
Rainbow Madonna | Rosebud | Siggy |
Slot Lady | Spaceworm | Spider Woman |
Spiritmother | Stella | Tight Rope Walker |
Triclyops | Two Moon Dawn | Two Sons |
Wounded Angel | Urban Alien | Wise Old Man |
Urban Warrior 24x30 Oil .jpg |
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