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Axiom Deflection – A Dream


© 3/23/75 Stevon Lucero 


I had a Hollywood production dream.  A movie dream.  When the “movie” began it opened visually with a book.  A golden book with encrusted jewels and a picture on the cover showing a big white windowless ship floating on a red sea.  Above the picture were the letters in large black caps G.O.D.  Under these letters in smaller black lettering was PRODUCTIONS PRESENT.  Under the picture of the boat were the words in large black stylized letters AXIOM DEFLECTION.  Then a hand appeared like a typical fairy tale Disney movie and turned the cover of the book to the first page.  It had a cartoon picture of a ship on a red sea like the jewel encrusted cover.  Under that were the words “Once upon a time in another world...”.  That's how the movie started.

Crimson Ship


The title of this “film” was Axiom Deflection, starring Susan Hayward and Victor Mature.  Now this dream happened during my first marriage so the role of Susan Hayward was played by then wife Nancy and I of course played the role of Victor Mature.  A local Laramie character known as Peter Rabbit was in it too.  He played a perfect Master in search of a disciple but had gone insane in his looking. 



The story was about a man (me) who was in a strange alien type navy in a world that was totally covered with this blood red sea or rather ocean.  He lived and worked on a ship that was huge.  It was between seven to eight miles long and three miles wide.  The ship had no windows so the inhabitants never saw the red ocean. The ship was so large it glided across the water so smoothly they never felt a rock or shimmy. 



The boat was very tall as well.  It was at least a half mile high with over two hundred levels from top to bottom.  The ship was entirely self-contained with living quarters, market centers, industrial areas,  recreational  and sporting centers.  It had everything to maintain a healthy and happy society.  But the people who lived there had no idea of the reality they lived. in.  They didn't know they were on a big boat wandering around on a red sea. They didn't know and didn't care.  This was their own completely contained country and that was enough thank you. 



Everyone that is except Victor.  As a rule people didn't ask a lot of questions, mostly because there weren't a lot of answers just a lot of bother.  But not Victor.  He was always asking questions.  So much so that he had become a bother.  People avoided him and he had few if any friends.  One day (they didn't have days or nights in this world so I'm using the term loosely as a point of reference) Victor was wandering around this huge Coliseum-like arena looking at the high ceilings and wondering about it's construction.   



All of a sudden he wanted to look closely at the ceiling, wishing he could fly.  Why he got that particular notion I don't know but that's where it all got started.  For some reason he got so uptight that he decided to get out of “this mess of mass”.  The only way to do that was by flying!  He decided to fly without a plane (whatever that was).  All he had to do was to figure out a way to nullify gravity.  Their understanding of science was limited but he realized that if you could neutralize the law of gravity to fly you could possibly alter all physical laws of matter.  In other words, if he could do this it would not just free him but make him a superman. 



So, Victor began his quest.  Like a mad scientist he went to libraries and researched everything he could find out about everything known in his world.  It was what he learned about the mind that fascinated him the most.  The deeper he went the more he learned that the mind was capable of extraordinary things.  Things of mind over matter.  He taught himself to do things no one had ever imagined possible.  At first he learned to move objects with his mind.  Then to levitate them with a mere thought.  It got easier and easier. 



Victor did all this in secret but people were starting to get suspicious.  One day some kids saw him experimenting at the arena and reported him to the authorities.  Once his rebellion was known orders were given to capture him.  The chase was on.  Victor had taught himself to levitate by mentally compressing the air molecules under his feet to push him off the ground, then slide on the thinner layers of air and glide through the air like a surfer.  At first he was slow and cumbersome but he quickly learned to be swift and could easily outrun or dodge his persecutors.   



One day he went to a particular library looking for information, when suddenly he found himself trapped.  He was hovering in a corner of the room just out of reach when he saw the soldiers coming in with ladders to reach him.  Not knowing what to do he suddenly got the idea that if he could move molecules around with his mind and make them more solid why couldn't he do the opposite?  So he thought the molecules in the ceiling to be spaced out enough for him to break through like bursting through paper.  Once again he escaped his pursuers.  The leader of this police/military force was called the Sargent General and he was furious.  No one in the history of the ship had ever thwarted his authority and this could not be tolerated.  He wanted to execute Victory which was a punishment rarely ever used. 



After a series of battles and much wall busting, Victor decided to see how many levels to his world there were.  One by one he penetrated ceiling after ceiling until he got to the top level where the Captain and his crew were running the ship.  It was the only place that had windows and you could see out of the big boat. Only the captain and his crew knew the truth of the ship.  They lived separately from the rest of the ship. The captain and his crew were a true elite, like invisible gods taking care of a people who didn't even know they existed, or even cared.  These people had never developed any belief system or mythologies.  They just existed and were content with that. 



A huge fight broke out when the Captain saw Victor.  The crew tried to capture him.  Victor broke through the final ceiling and all of a sudden he was free.  Free of the ship.  The first man inside the ship to see it in its entirety from outside in its true environment.  He just floated up above the ship in awe and astonishment.  It slowly floated away from him. 



He looked around, and all he could see was a vast red ocean in all directions.  He looked up and saw the sky.  He wondered how high it went before he would hit that blue ceiling.  So he decided to check it out.  Slowly at first then faster and faster he flew until he hit the ceiling.  It was blue.  He thought, What's on the other side?  So he punched through.  He entered a world of elemental force.  Chaos.  Colors.  Winds.  Wetness.  Energy in a myriad of shapes and forms.  A nightmare world of no handholds or point of reference.  Frightened, Victor flew back out the hole he punched through and sealed it up with his mind.  He decided to explore his world before exploring other worlds.  Smart, no? 



After flying in one direction for several hours, he was starting to get tired and hungry and thought he might have to go find the ship and surrender himself and face the consequences.  As he considered this he could see land off in the distance though he didn't know it was land.  He had no concept that such a thing existed.  Still there it was and he was going to find out what it was. 



Victor thought it was the most beautiful place in the world, and it was.  It was a great ancient city on an island continent.   The only land mass on this ocean planet.  It was an easy matter for Victor to infiltrate the city as the inhabitants dressed like the boat people and spoke the same language.  He easily fit in and got a job in a library since he was so familiar with many of the books there.  He realized that many of the texts on the boat's library originated from this land city although there were no acknowledgments of this.   



He learned that the boat people originated on this island continent.  Long ago the people realized that over population was going to be a problem in a world with limited land mass.  A program of building what they called City Ships began. They developed these self-contained ecology systems and population control systems so that they would have a balanced healthy society.  This was implemented many generations ago and was very successful.  The only problem was the occasional “Victor”.  Otherwise the people were quite happy with the system.  Over time the boat people no longer knew or cared about the land people but the land people were quite aware of the boat people.  Occasionally a ship had to come into port for repairs, parts or supplies that they couldn’t create but this was kept from the ship people.  There were many ships but the captains kept clear of each other and never crossed paths or came into port when another ship did. 



After living in the city for a few months, Victor met a pretty Asian girl named “Susan Hayward” and fell in love with her, and she with him.  He never told her where he was from so at times it was a little awkward for him when she asked him about his past.  One day his ship came into port. 



Victor thought they came in to resupply.  This gave him the opportunity to sneak aboard to get certain books and papers he had written and left behind.  With his mind powers it was an easy matter to sneak aboard.  As he hid in a corridor he overheard some of the Sargent General’s men talking. They weren't here for supplies, but to capture him.  They were planning some sort of trap but what?   



Now, Susan lived with her father who was a very wise old man and Victor had a lot of respect for him.  He went to consult with him on what he should do but when he flew back to the city he found Susan and her father's home ransacked.  As he looked around a bunch of soldiers jumped out of their hiding places and tried to capture him. 



As Victor valorously fought them off, he saw Susan being held in another room.  He burst through the wall and grabbed her to fly away but he couldn't.  He had never tried to carry another person before and  had never changed the density of another living thing before.  He didn't want to take the chance with her.  He had to leave her or be captured.  So he escaped feeling horrible.  He had to rescue her and her father but did not know how. 



Victor sat on a high hill outside the city wondering what to do. He could see the lights of the city and the giant white ship sitting there in massive port.  Then it hit him.  The resolution.  He didn't know if he could affect the density of another living person without harming them but he knew he could do it to himself.  If he could lessen the density to make himself lighter and the air around him denser, why couldn't he spread the molecules and expand himself and at the same time make the expanded matter denser.  Stronger.  Heavier.  He got up.  He started growing and growing.  Expanding into the sky and at the same time making himself denser and stronger.  With giant steps he walked over to the ship in the port, bent over and picked it up like an air-filled balloon.  He then walked inland toward the mountains. 



After a considerable distance from the water, he set the ship down.  Then walked away.  He negotiated with the Sargent General his price for the safe return of the ship.  All he wanted was peace and for the release of Susan and her father and for him to be left alone.  His terms were agreed upon.  The Sargent General freed Susan and her father and Victor put the ship back on the water.  The last scene in the movie was Victor and Susan sitting on a hilltop outside the city watching the sun set on a red sea as a giant white windowless ship sailed into the sunset. 



The movie ended with film credits and a final flash of the movie poster that said, “A cast of thousands!  See the man who flies! Etc.  All this and more in Pan-a-vision!  G.O.D. Production of Axiom Deflection starring Victor Mature and Susan Hayward!” 



The next thing I remember was Nancy shaking me awake.  I got up all excited.  As I came into the kitchen where she was making me a cup of coffee I told her that I just had this incredible dream and if she hadn't of woke me right when she did, I might have forgotten it.  Nancy looked at me with a confused look.  “I didn't wake you.  I was in the living room reading when you called for a cup of coffee from the bedroom.  I came in here to make it.  I didn't wake you or even go into the bedroom.” 



Who woke me up? 



P.S.  Axiom at that time was not in my vocabulary.  I didn't know the meaning so I looked it up.  Axiom means 1) self evident truth 2) a universally held/accepted principle or rule. 3) Logic math a proposition that is assumed with proof for the sake of the studying of the consequences that follow from it. 

© 2014 by Stevon Lucero. Please ask permission if you are interested in using any of the images.  Proudly created with

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